Benjamin Cheng

Site Redesign January 6, 2021

Wow... it's been a long time since I considered updating my website.

Ever since I started using sway, I started following the sourcehut guys' (Drew Devault and Simon Ser) blogs. They have really influenced my philosophy, so I decided to redesign my website using a static site generator (Zola). The keener eyed will notice a few stylistic similarities in the site (i.e. the layout of the home page). No more node backend, no more authentication, no more dependencies going out of date -- just plain HTML generated from Markdown.

In addition I've tried to minimize the number of styles I'm using while keeping things aesthetically pleasing to make things as fffast as possible. I quite like how things turned out!

I hope to continue writing, maybe once or twice a month is a reasonable target for me.

By the way, the source is available here: